Question. Does the Bible teach Lordship salvation? Scripture. Romans 10:9; Acts 16:31 Definition. Lordship salvation is the view that a person must trust Jesus Christ as his Savior and submit to Him as Lord in order to receive eternal life. According to this view, it is not enough to simply… Read More
Ministries of the Holy Spirit
1. Restraint. The inhibiting of the lawlessness in the world (Gen. 6:3; 2 Thes. 2:7). 2. Reproof. Convicting the world of sin (unbelief), righteousness (concerning Jesus Christ), and judgment (in the future of mankind) (John 16:7-11). 3. Revelation. The unveiling of previously concealed truth. Making known of God’s divine purpose and plan… Read More
It is evident that there is a worldwide obsession with pornography in our modern age of moral relativity. This is indicated by the increase of sexually-explicit material in movies, television, books, and magazines, and even at sporting events. Capitalism has taken advantage of the world’s interest in pornography. Pornography is… Read More
Portrait of a Woman
Reflections of a Jewel: The Many Facets of a Woman’s Life Following 30 chapters, which are written by sages and addressed to their male pupils, a chapter containing a mother’s warnings and the characteristics of a virtuous woman emerges as the crowning touch of the book. The qualities of wisdom… Read More
An Introduction to the Book of Proverbs The pithy sayings in this book of wisdom were chiefly written or collected by King Solomon and were composed either from his own experiences or observations of Hebrew life. They contain concrete, verifiable incidents of Jewish existence in the land of Palestine in the… Read More
Proverbs 22:6
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This verse emphasizes the importance of training a child at the beginning of his or her life. It is neither a promise nor a command, but a challenge to… Read More
Psalm 19: The Revelation of God
The Bible is the most widely read book in all the world. It is also true that the book of Psalms is the most read book in all of the Bible. The psalms provide a window for the soul through which we can express our worship toward God. The psalms… Read More
Psalm 23: The Shepherd’s Psalm
By Jim Klubnik After many years of walking with the Lord, David pauses to reflect on the benefits of his ongoing relationship with the Lord as his shepherd. Psalm 23 demonstrates the need for trusting the Lord through the dark valleys of life. Learning to rely on Him… Read More
Psalm 90
AN INTERPRETIVE STUDY ON PSALM 90 The Ninetieth Psalm is a masterpiece, archetypal of all Hebrew hymnic literature, a prism through which the rest of the book of Psalms is refracted. Alexander regards it as the “heart or centre of the whole collection” and a model upon which David formed… Read More
A COMPARISON OF PSYCHOLOGY WITH BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY by Peggi Klubnik Postmodernism’s emphasis on that which is relative, relational and relevant makes many eager adherents of the practices of psychology. Claiming to be a science, psychology uses scientific principles for the observation of human behavior. Yet the evaluation of data is often relative… Read More
Pulling Weeds, Growing Flowers: How to Choose God’s Best
Racism is a feeling of superiority of one race or culture over another race or culture. Racial prejudice has been part of man’s dilemma throughout human history. In our modern day world, there is evidence of racial discrimination in almost every facet of life. In the United States, it is… Read More
Spiritual Gifts
An important aspect of the Christian’s spiritual life is the understanding and use of one’s spiritual gift. In addition to enabling a believer to live the Christian life to the fullest expression, the use of spiritual gifts has a direct impact on the body of Christ. The work of the… Read More
Question: Why does God permit suffering? Key Verses: James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Answer: There are numerous reasons why God permits human tragedy and suffering. People are not robots. God has given each person the ability to think and act. He permits individual choices, some of which… Read More
Suicide is defined as the premature self-killing of an individual. There are several biblical examples of suicide: Judas (Matt. 27:5) Saul (1 Sam. 31:4) Samson (Jud. 16:28-30) Abimelech (Jud. 9:50-51). There are several arguments sometimes used to support suicide from the Bible. Since there are biblical examples for suicide, some… Read More
The Beatitudes
The Gospels begin with the announcement of the kingdom. It is proclaimed by angels (Luke 1:11, 26), anticipated by the Magi (Matt. 2:1-6), and preached by John the Baptist (Matt. 3:1-3). The miracles that Christ performed in Galilee prior to the giving of the Sermon on the Mount were the credentials of the… Read More
The Raising of Lazarus
The suspense-filled drama in the eleventh chapter of the Gospel of John records one of only seven miracles that appear the book. John presents the miracle of the raising Lazarus from the dead as a graphic verification that “the Word became flesh” (John 1:14). The incarnation is never so real… Read More
The Raising of Lazarus and Jesus
What is the difference between the raising of Lazarus and the resurrection of Jesus Christ? This chart contrasts the temporary resuscitation of Lazarus, who died again, with the resurrection of Jesus, who ascended into heaven, never to die again.
The Resurrections in the Bible
The Sabbath
Why do most Christians today worship God on Sunday instead of Saturday, especially when the Sabbath is so important in the Old Testament and was instituted by God before the Mosaic Law? The key verses about the Sabbath are Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 20:8; and Hebrews 4:8-10. The seventh day of the week… Read More
The Sanctification of a Believer
The sanctification of the believer is in three realms—positional, progressive, and ultimate, reflecting the past, present, and future aspects of salvation. In Romans 8:1-11, Paul notes the reality of positional sanctification as the believer is in union with Christ, having been justified and declared righteous. Then He describes how this sanctification is… Read More
The Value of Good Works
The Warning of Hebrews 10:26
When interpreting Hebrews10:26, integration with the context of the chapter is essential. It is also important to comprehend the overall theme of the book of Hebrews: the superiority of Christ and His sacrificial death for sin over the Levitical sacrifices, and the supremacy of faith in the finished work of… Read More
The Warning of Hebrews 6:6 A Challenge to Maturity
Hebrews 6:4-6 The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians about 64-69 AD, prior to the destruction of the Herodian or Second Temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans. The likelihood of Jerusalem being the destination of the letter is promoted by Wescott, who states, “Nowhere else would the… Read More
Three Absolutes of Salvation
Three Phases of Sanctification
Three Views of the Rapture
Timeline of the Bible
Timeline of the Bible
Question: What does the Bible teach about tithing? Are believers supposed to tithe to their church? Scripture: Malachi 3:7-12 Answer: Believers in Jesus Christ are not under the Mosaic Law (Rom. 7:1-6; Gal. 3:16-19). Therefore, the tithing system, which was a legitimate and compulsory means of taxation for the nation… Read More
Trinity in the Old Testament
Question: Is the Trinity taught in the Old Testament? Scripture: Genesis 1:2, 26; 3:22; 11:6-7; 19:24; Deut. 6:4; Job 33:4; Psa. 2:7; Isa. 63:16; Overview. Those who reject the Trinity sometimes point to the Old Testament for support insisting that the doctrine is not taught there and therefore should be rejected…. Read More